Comprehensive Guide to Tongue Tie for Parents
You’ve come to the right place if you are having trouble breastfeeding and you suspect (or have been told) that your baby has a tongue or lip tie.
As an experienced healthcare professional, Lisa Paladino CNM, IBCLC, will help you to become confident to know if this is what is causing challenges in your breastfeeding journey.
What's Inside:
5 Modules:
How to know if your baby has tongue tie.
My Baby Has Tongue Tie, Now What?
How to Prepare For Infant Frenotomy
What to Expect on the Day of the Frenotomy
Frenotomy Aftercare
Resources to Print or Download, Including:
Symptoms of Lip & Tongue Tie
Hints for Healing Sore Nipple
What are TOTs (Tethered Oral Tissues)?
How to Select a Provider (What questions to ask)
Preparing For Frenotomy
Checklist for the Day of Frenotomy
When to Call Your Healthcare Provider
Stretches after Frenotomy
Exercises for Before & After Frenotomy
Membership in a private Facebook community with weekly Q&A's
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